Sulphur Traps
This unique trap was developed to support sulfur analyzers. For low level detection, the removal of all sulfur compounds present in the supply gas is essential.This trap will also ...
Oxygen Traps
These high capacity oxygen traps employ a time proven oxygen scavenging materials technology. A high surface area reduced metal is used to irreversibly bind any free oxygen present in ...
Moisture Traps
These high capacity moisture traps are designed to provide additional capacity for moisture removal in critical applications where moisture is the contaminant of concern. The ...
Mercury Traps
The VICI Metronics mercury trap utilizes a proprietary adsorbent to remove trace mercury vapor from gas streams. This trap will ensure better "zero's," and can even be used after your ...
Hydrocarbon Traps
The proprietary sorbent materials used in our high capacity hydrocarbon trap far out-perform the standard materials used for this application. The sorbent is extremely hydrophobic, ...
Liquid Carbon Dioxide Purifiers
In applications such as environmental testing, food analysis, and pigment analysis, the unique solvating properties of CO2 at its triple point (super-critical stage) ...
Purifier for CI/MS Applications
The use of Chemical Ionization Mass Spectroscopy has increased in recent years, with instrumentation to perform this sensitive analytical technique now available ...
Purifier for Nitrogen Produced by Nitrogen Generators
VICI Metronics nitrogen purifiers are optimized for the high flow nitrogen gas supply used on LC/MS instruments. Several types of contaminants ...
Nitrogen Purifiers for LC/MS Applications
VICI Metronics nitrogen purifiers are optimized for the high flow nitrogen gas supply used on LC/MS instruments. Several types of contaminants are ...
Heated Nitrogen Purifiers
Carrier gas purity is essential in any application requiring extreme sensitivity. Impurities limit detector sensitivity and can even destroy capillary columns. The Valco ...
Nitrogen Purifiers
Gas purification is critical to GC performance. Several types of contaminants are detrimental - notably moisture, hydrocarbons, and oxygen. VICI Metronics gas purifier modules are ...
Methane Purifiers
Gas purification is critical to GC performance. Several types of contaminants are detrimental - notably moisture, hydrocarbons, and oxygen. VICI Metronics gas purifier modules are ...
Hydrogen Gas Purifiers
Gas purification is critical to GC performance. Several types of contaminants are detrimental - notably moisture, hydrocarbons, and oxygen. VICI Metronics gas purifier modules ...
Heated Helium Purifiers
Carrier gas purity is essential in any application requiring extreme sensitivity. Impurities limit detector sensitivity and can even destroy capillary columns. The Valco ...
Helium Purifiers
Gas purification is critical to GC performance. Several types of contaminants are detrimental - notably moisture, hydrocarbons, and oxygen. VICI Metronics gas purifier modules are ...
Carbon Dioxide Gas Purifier for High Purity Applications
These modules, designed to be placed in-line with the CO2 gas supply, use patented adsorptive materials to capture and retain a broad ...
Air Purifiers
Gas purification is critical to GC performance. Several types of contaminants in air are detrimental - notably moisture and hydrocarbons.
Gas purification is optimized by a multiple ...
Gas purity is essential in any application requiring extreme sensitivity. Contaminant traps and gas purifiers for specific gases dramatically reduce the levels of contaminants, enhance the purity of ...