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rxifeatureHelium, Hydrogen, or Nitrogen—The Choice is Yours: Unique Rtx®-CLPesticides Column Set Provides Optimal Results for Organochlorine Pesticides GC-Micro-ECD Analysis Using Any Carrier Gas

The Rtx®-CLPesticides Column Set Lets You Make the Choice

  • Option 1: Get faster results from helium than when using competitor columns
  • Option 2: Save money and increase sample throughput using hydrogen
  • Option 3: Simplify the gas system and reduce costs using nitrogen

Over the past few years, the increasing costs and uncertain availability of helium have prompted many labs to explore alternate carrier gas options. While switching from helium to either hydrogen or nitrogen carrier gas can be problematic for methods using a mass spectrometer, methods that employ an electron capture detector (ECD) are generally good candidates for transfer as long as column selectivity is adequate. For heavily used methods that employ helium, such as organochlorine pesticides analysis following EPA Method 8081, conversion to a different carrier gas provides a significant cost savings opportunity. Here we compared the performance of Rtx®-CLPesticides and Rtx®-CLPesticides2 columns to a competitor’s CLP column set using helium, hydrogen, and nitrogen carrier gases for this frequently used dual-column GC-ECD method. These column sets differ in selectivity, and since proprietary Rtx®-CLPesticides and Rtx®-CLPesticides2 columns were developed specifically for organochlorine pesticides analysis by GC-ECD, their unique column selectivities provide optimal resolution and fast analysis times whether operated using helium, hydrogen, or nitrogen carrier gases. In addition, since the Rtx®-CLPesticides columns provide more separation between critical peaks compared to competitor columns, they can be trimmed for maintenance without sacrificing resolution, which results in longer column lifetimes. This extra separating power also gives you more room for method optimization, so you can save time on every analysis.

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