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QuEChERS SPE Tubes for Pesticide Residue Analysis

Laboratory Equipment Magazine's 2009 Readers' Choice Awards Winner!
Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe, the QuEChERS ("catchers") method, developed by the USDA Eastern Regional Research Center1, has become very popular for extraction and clean-up of pesticide residue samples. Our products are available in three centrifuge tube sizes to meet the needs of both extraction and cleanup of a wide variety of sample matrices following various methods.
The researchers developed a simple two-step procedure. First, the homogenized samples are extracted and partitioned, using an organic solvent and salt solution. Then, the supernatant is further extracted and cleaned, using a dispersive SPE technique. Multiple adsorbents are placed in a centrifuge tube, along with the 1mL of organic solvent and the extracted residues partitioned from step 1. The contents are thoroughly mixed, then centrifuged, producing a clean extract ready for a variety of GC or HPLC analytical techniques.2 Validation and proficiency data for the QuEChERS method are available for a wide variety of pesticides in several common food matrices at
Multiple sorbents are used to extract different types of interferences.
MgSO4 removes excess water
PSA* removes sugars, fatty acids, organic acids, and anthocyanine pigments
C18 removes nonpolar interferences
GCB* removes pigments, sterols, and nonpolar interferences
FREE sample packs available. Use these handy packs for method development or to compare with your current brand. Request yours today by adding -248 to the part number. Sample pack orders cannot be placed online—please call. Limit one sample pack per customer
Description | Material | Method | qty. | Cat.# | |||
Resprep Q110 | 4g MgSO4, 1g NaCl, 1g trisodium citrate dihydrate, .5g disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate | Mini-Multiresidue, European EN-15662 | 50-pk. | 26213 | |||
Resprep Q150 | 6g MgSO4, 1.5g NaOAc | AOAC 2007.1 | 50-pk. | 26214 | |||
Empty 50mL Centrifuge Tube | -- | Mini-Multiresidue, European EN-15662, AOAC 2007.1 | 25-pk. | 26227 | |||
2mL Micro-Centrifuge Tubes for dSPE (clean-up of 1mL extract) | |||||||
Resprep Q210 | 150mg MgSO4, 25mg PSA | Mini-Multiresidue, European EN-15662 | 100-pk. | 26215 | |||
Resprep Q211 | 150mg MgSO4, 25mg PSA, 25mg C18 | Mini-Multiresidue | 100-pk. | 26216 | |||
Resprep Q212 | 150mg MgSO4, 25mg PSA, 2.5mg GCB | Mini-Multiresidue, European EN-15662 | 100-pk. | 26217 | |||
Resprep Q213 | 150mg MgSO4, 25mg PSA, 7.5mg GCB | Mini-Multiresidue, European EN-15662 | 100-pk. | 26218 | |||
Resprep Q250 | 150mg MgSO4, 50mg PSA | AOAC 2007.1 | 100-pk. | 26124 | |||
Resprep Q251 | 150mg MgSO4, 50mg PSA, 50mg C18 | AOAC 2007.1 | 100-pk. | 26125 | |||
Resprep Q253 | 150mg MgSO4, 50mg PSA, 50mg GCB | -- | 100-pk. | 26123 | |||
Resprep Q252 | 150mg MgSO4, 50mg PSA, 50mg C18, 50mg GCB | AOAC 2007.1 | 100-pk. | 26219 | |||
15mL Centrifuge Tubes for dSPE (clean-up of 6mL extract) | |||||||
Resprep Q350 | 1200mg MgSO4, 400mg PSA | AOAC 2007.1 | 50-pk. | 26220 | |||
Resprep Q351 | 1200mg MgSO4, 400mg PSA, 400mg C18 | AOAC 2007.1 | 50-pk. | 26221 | |||
Resprep Q352 | 1200mg MgSO4, 400mg PSA, 400mg C18, 400mg GCB | AOAC 2007.1 | 50-pk. | 26222 | |||
Resprep Q370 | 900mg MgSO4, 150mg PSA | European EN-15662 | 50-pk. | 26223 | |||
Resprep Q371 | 900mg MgSO4, 150mg PSA, 15mg GCB | European EN-15662 | 50-pk. | 26224 | |||
Resprep Q372 | 900mg MgSO4, 150mg PSA, 45mg GCB | European EN-15662 | 50-pk. | 26225 | |||
Resprep Q373 | 900mg MgSO4, 150mg PSA, 150mg C18 | -- | 50-pk. | 26226 | |||
Resprep Q374 | 900mg MgSO4, 300mg PSA, 150mg GCB | -- | 50-pk. | 26126 |
PSA--primary and secondary amine exchange material
GCB--graphitized carbon black
References (not available from Restek)
1. Anastassiades, M., S.J. Lehotay, D. Stajnbaher, F.J. Schenck, Fast and Easy Multiresidue Method Employing Acetonitrile Extraction/Partitioning and “Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction” for the Determination of Pesticide Residues in Produce, J AOAC International, 2003, vol 86 no 22, pp 412-431.
2. Schenck, F.J., SPE Cleanup and the Analysis of PPB Levels of Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables. Florida Pesticide Residue Workshop, 2002.